Welcome message from CRFA Vancouver

On behalf of the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association (CRFA) and our BC-based directors including current Chairman and White Spot President and CEO Warren Erhart, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you attending the 2012 BC Foodservice Expo.

You should all be proud to be part of British Columbia’s dynamic multicultural world-class foodservice industry. Our $10 billion industry is an important economic contributor in every British Columbia community and is also the fourth largest job creator in the province.

The 2012 BC Foodservice Expo showcases a number of new features, seminars and competitions that I am sure you will find informative and entertaining. I am particularly pleased that, in cooperation with the Canadian Culinary Federation and the BC Chefs Association, we have added an exciting new BC Chinese Chef of the Year competition to complement our popular Junior Chef Challenge and BC Chef Roasted competitions. I would also encourage you to attend our second annual Trends breakfast featuring internationally-renowned restaurant consultant Michael Whiteman, who recently gave the keynote address at the Culinary institute of America’s World Flavours conference in Napa last November. Robert Carter of the NPD Group will also once again provide his foodservice industry outlook at the Trends breakfast.

If you have registered to attend yet, I encourage you to do so now.

I’d like to extend a special thanks to all our sponsors listed on our website for their generous support of the BC Foodservice Expo and British Columbia’s foodservice industry.

I hope you enjoy the 2012 BC Foodservice Expo!

Mark von Schellwitz
Vice President, Western Canada

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